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Articles tagged as "Two-pot retirement system"

Insights categories - Retirement

Your next important election

By Belinda Carbutt on 22 Jul 2024

Reading time: 6 mins

With the two-pot retirement system signed into law, and set to be implemented on 1 September 2024, Belinda Carbutt discusses the latest retirement reform. Sh...

Insights categories - Retirement

Part 3 (updated): The two-pot system and your savings withdrawal benefit

By Jaya Leibowitz on 08 Jul 2024

Reading time: 8 mins

In part 3 of our Two-pot chapter, Jaya Leibowitz reminds us not to lose sight of the importance of preserving retirement savings, and cautions investors...

Insights categories - Retirement

The two-pot system simplified (updated)

By Jaya Leibowitz on 08 Jul 2024

Reading time: 7 mins

South Africa’s retirement savings system is changing, with the implementation date of the new system currently set for 1 September 2024 – although go-live...

Insights categories - Retirement

Part 1 (updated): Challenges and opportunities with South Africa’s retirement fund system

By Richard Carter on 28 Feb 2024

Reading time: 6 mins

While the South African retirement fund system faces its fair share of challenges, there are opportunities to harness and improve retirement outcomes for Sou...

Insights categories - Retirement

Part 2 (updated): The two-pot system – what we know for now

By Jaya Leibowitz on 28 Feb 2024

Reading time: 6 mins

There has been a lot of noise in the past few months about the changes that are being made to the South African retirement system. In part 2 of our Two-pot...

Insights categories - Personal investing

2024 Budget speech update

By Carrie Norden on 21 Feb 2024

Reading time: 7 mins

While South Africans battle with a cost-of-living crisis, rising unemployment and sluggish economic growth, Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana is faced with t...

Insights categories - Retirement

A focus on the regulatory aspects and challenges of the two-pot system

By Richard Carter on 01 Mar 2023

Reading time: 6 mins

During the recent Budget speech, the Minister of Finance confirmed the intended launch date of 1 March 2024 for the two-pot retirement system. With 12 months...

Insights categories - Personal investing

2023 Budget speech update

By Carrie Norden on 22 Feb 2023

Reading time: 11 mins

The 2023 Budget speech was delivered against the backdrop of high living costs, a dismal unemployment rate and intensive loadshedding crippling businesses, a...

Insights categories - Retirement

Making sense of the proposed two-pot retirement system

By Richard Carter on 27 Oct 2022

Reading time: 11 mins

In February 2021, the National Treasury announced its intention to amend the retirement fund system in South Africa with the dual aim of creating limited...

Insights categories - Retirement

Navigating a changing retirement savings system

By Richard Carter on 10 Mar 2022

Viewing time: 1 min

The finer detail may remain unclear for the moment, but National Treasury’s proposed retirement reforms have largely been welcomed by the retirement savings...


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