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Articles tagged as "Investing"

Insights categories - Personal investing

Investing for education in an inflationary environment

By Shaheed Mohamed on 10 Jan 2024

Reading time: 6 mins

Parents can expect little relief in 2024, with reports suggesting that fee hikes for South African schools will yet again come in above general inflation,...

Insights categories - Local investing

Lessons from the winners and losers of the last five years

By Siphesihle Zwane on 30 Aug 2023

Listening time: 47 mins

In conversation with investment analyst Siphesihle Zwane, portfolio manager Jacques Plaut and investment analyst Pieter Koornhof discuss some of the notable...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

Podcast: Can optimism rise from the inflationary ashes?

By Thalia Petousis on 25 Jul 2022

Listening time: 43 min

In conversation with portfolio manager, Thalia Petousis, Sandy McGregor reflects on the very real geopolitical and economic challenges currently affecting th...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Lessons for building long-term wealth

By Candace Maung on 13 Jul 2022

Viewing time: 57 min

Cracking the code to building wealth doesn’t happen overnight, but it can be achieved by taking a series of small steps over time. During a recent Youth Mont...

Insights categories - Personal investing

The ABCs of being financially savvy

By Nomi Bodlani on 28 Jan 2022

Reading time: 5 mins

Understanding the language of finance can help us to better achieve our financial outcomes. Nomi Bodlani, head of Strategic Markets, discusses why knowledge ...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Unpacking saving and investing

By Cedrick Pila on 28 Jul 2021

Viewing time: 1 min

Saving and investing are both important ingredients for building a sound financial foundation, but they are not the same thing. They have different purposes...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Get your investment questions answered

By Leaveil Des Fountain on 23 Jul 2021

Viewing time: 1 min

The pandemic continues to impact all South Africans and has resulted in many of us having to make difficult decisions about money. Some of us have had to tap...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Financial lessons from a father

By Saleem Sonday on 19 Jul 2021

Reading time: 7 mins

July is Savings Month in South Africa, an opportune time to share savings and investment lessons. Saleem Sonday, dad to four children between the ages of 8 a...

Insights categories - Personal investing

How bias can sink your investment success

By Tamryn Lamb on 25 Sep 2019

Reading time: 5 mins

Everybody has biases. We make judgements about people, places, and of course, the markets. It is almost impossible not to allow the filters which are created...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Avoid common behavioural biases when investing

By Maria Konnikova on 23 Aug 2019

Viewing time: 1 min

Poker is known as a wicked environment: a setting that is dynamic and uncertain; where things are hidden, and you don’t always have all the information on...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Steps to improve your investment decision making

By Didintle Mokonoto on 17 Jul 2019

Reading time: 7 mins

Deterred by the large number of investment options available, many would-be investors fail to make the most important decision: the decision to start. Becomi...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Grow your wealth by attending the Allan Gray Investment Summit

By Tamryn Lamb on 24 May 2019

Reading time: 3 mins

After successfully bringing together renowned investment experts from all over the globe for two consecutive years to sold-out audiences, the Allan Gray...

Insights categories - Personal investing

The rules for making good investment decisions

By Lettie Mzwinila on 20 Dec 2018

Listening time: 1 min

People are prone to making predictions about everything from the weather to the economy. However, relying on predictions when investing can thwart your...

Insights categories - Local investing

Is cash king?

By Catherine Robberts on 22 Nov 2018

Reading time: 4 mins

It has been a good few years for cash. Over the past three years cash (i.e. highly liquid assets, like money market funds and fixed-interest assets, such as...

Insights categories - Personal investing

How to make better investment decisions in 2018

By Lettie Mzwinila on 08 Jan 2018

Reading time: 3 mins

Investment experts, economists and industries are more prone to making predictions during the New Year, given the renewed sense of focus and excited...

Insights categories - Personal investing

PART 8: The role of financial advice in your investment success

By Mthobisi Mthimkhulu on 30 Oct 2017

Reading time: 7 mins

You wouldn’t gamble with your health by not seeing a professional, why do it with your financial future? Consult an independent financial adviser to help you...

Insights categories - Personal investing

PART 4: How do I start investing?

By Mthobisi Mthimkhulu on 09 Oct 2017

Reading time: 6 mins

The first step is often the most difficult to make, but it does not have to be so with investing. Follow these tips to start off on the right foot...

Insights categories - Personal investing

PART 3: When should I start investing?

By Mthobisi Mthimkhulu on 02 Oct 2017

Reading time: 4 mins

Time is of the essence when it comes to investing. Start now and benefit from the magic of compounding...

Insights categories - Personal investing

PART 2: How do I overcome the barriers to investing?

By Mthobisi Mthimkhulu on 25 Sep 2017

Reading time: 5 mins

Not sure how to save money? Follow these five easy steps...

Insights categories - Personal investing

PART 1: Why you should invest

By Mthobisi Mthimkhulu on 18 Sep 2017

Reading time: 6 mins

There are many reasons to invest. Start now: small sacrifices today can make a big difference over the long term...

Insights categories - Personal investing

When is a debit order the better option?

By Bekithemba Mafulela on 31 Mar 2017

Reading time: 5 mins

When you think about starting a new investment there are two ways to approach it: either you invest in one go with a lump sum or you do recurring investments...

Insights categories - Personal investing

The role of financial advice in your investment success

By Nazia Kahlon on 13 Dec 2016

Reading time: 7 mins

You wouldn’t gamble with your health by not seeing a professional, why do it with your financial future? Consult an independent financial adviser to help you...


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