Carrie Norden

Carrie Norden

Carrie joined Allan Gray as an operations consultant in 2008 and is currently a senior tax specialist. She holds a Bachelor of Business Science (Honours) degree in Finance and a Master of Philosophy degree in Tax Law, both from the University of Cape Town. Carrie is also a CFP® professional.

Articles by Carrie Norden

Insights categories - Personal investing

Annual tax limits for investors who cease to be South African tax residents during the tax year

By Carrie Norden on 25 Oct 2024

Reading time: 8 mins

Annual contribution limits for tax-free investments and retirements funds have always been clear for individuals who have a full 12-month assessment period t...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Tips to help you get on top of your tax return this year

By Carrie Norden on 11 Jul 2024

Reading time: 9 mins

The South African Revenue Service (SARS) is focused on improving its systems and processes to ensure taxpayers comply with their legal obligations and file...

Insights categories - Personal investing

2024 Budget speech update

By Carrie Norden on 21 Feb 2024

Reading time: 7 mins

While South Africans battle with a cost-of-living crisis, rising unemployment and sluggish economic growth, Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana is faced with t...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Unpacking the changes to the retirement fund lump sum tax tables

By Carrie Norden on 11 Apr 2023

Reading time: 12 mins

To account for the impact of inflation, this year’s National Budget introduced changes to the retirement fund lump sum tax tables for retirement fund cash lu...

Insights categories - Personal investing

2023 Budget speech update

By Carrie Norden on 22 Feb 2023

Reading time: 11 mins

The 2023 Budget speech was delivered against the backdrop of high living costs, a dismal unemployment rate and intensive loadshedding crippling businesses, a...

Insights categories - Personal investing

How SARS has changed tax for annuitants

By Carrie Norden on 26 Apr 2022

Reading time: 11 mins

The South African Revenue Service recently changed the way tax is calculated for living annuitants. Carrie Norden discusses the rationale behind this change...

Insights categories - Personal investing

2022 Budget speech update

By Carrie Norden on 23 Feb 2022

Reading time: 10 mins

Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana delivered his maiden Budget speech on Wednesday, 23 February. He noted that although the easing of COVID-19-related...

Insights categories - Personal investing

2021 Budget speech update

By Carrie Norden on 25 Feb 2021

Reading time: 7 mins

Finance Minister Tito Mboweni delivered the Budget speech on Wednesday, 24 February. Against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Budget was more...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Should I file a tax return for the 2020 tax year?

By Carrie Norden on 31 Jul 2020

Reading time: 9 mins

In response to COVID-19, the South African Revenue Service (SARS) has tried to simplify the tax filing process for individual taxpayers and remove the need t...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Making the most of personal tax incentives

By Carrie Norden on 12 Feb 2020

Reading time: 9 mins

After spending decades nurturing their careers, most people hope to enjoy the fruits of their labour in the form of a sustainable income in retirement. Makin...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Facing the facts around retrenchment

By Carrie Norden on 11 Dec 2019

Reading time: 10 mins

With the latest GDP growth figures showing that the economy contracted 0.6% in the third quarter, SAA heading into business rescue, and the problems at Eskom...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Is there any tax benefit in saving over the annual tax deductible amount towards retirement?

By Carrie Norden on 05 Feb 2019

Reading time: 9 mins

One of the key benefits of investing for retirement using a retirement fund is the generous tax deduction for contributions, subject to a maximum of 27.5% of...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Is there any tax benefit in saving over the annual tax deductible amount towards retirement?

By Carrie Norden on 05 Feb 2019

Reading time: 9 mins

One of the key benefits of investing for retirement using a retirement fund is the generous tax deduction for contributions, subject to a maximum of 27.5% of...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Why retirement contributions don’t reduce your taxable capital gains

By Carrie Norden on 26 Oct 2018

Reading time: 4 mins

You may be aware that every tax year you can make a pre-tax contribution to your retirement fund of up to 27.5% of the higher  of taxable income or...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Don't get caught short this tax season

By Carrie Norden on 31 Aug 2018

Reading time: 4 mins

With the tax season deadlines brought forward by a month this year, it’s time to get your supporting documents ready and to do your return. Uncertainty actin...

Insights categories - Personal investing

2018 Budget speech update

By Carrie Norden on 21 Feb 2018

Reading time: 4 mins

The Minister of Finance announced amendments to tax and other legislation that may affect investors. These changes come into effect on 1 March 2018...

Insights categories - Retirement

Retiring or withdrawing? Think carefully before sending us the form

By Carrie Norden on 05 Sep 2017

Reading time: 5 mins

After a lifetime of work retirement is often a welcome change of pace, but many people rush into a decision to retire or withdraw from their retirement fund....

Insights categories - Retirement

What are the tax benefits of contributing to a retirement annuity?

By Carrie Norden on 08 Feb 2017

Reading time: 6 mins

The South African Revenue Service (SARS) wants to help you pay for your retirement. The way in which they do this is by offering generous tax deductions when...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Read the fine print before you decide to withdraw or retire from your preservation fund

By Carla Rossouw and Carrie Norden on 30 Sep 2016

Reading time: 6 mins

South Africans on average change jobs about five to seven times during their working lives. More than two-thirds do not preserve their retirement savings whe...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Read the fine print before you decide to withdraw or retire from your preservation fund

By Carla Rossouw and Carrie Norden on 30 Sep 2016

Reading time: 6 mins

South Africans on average change jobs about five to seven times during their working lives. More than two-thirds do not preserve their retirement savings whe...


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