Stephan Barnard - Allan Gray

Stephan Bernard

Stephan joined Allan Gray in 2013 and is an analyst in the Investment team focused on ESG research. Prior to his current role, he was a manager in the Institutional Clients team. Stephan holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) in Actuarial Science from Stellenbosch University and is a qualified actuary.

Articles by Stephan Bernard

Insights categories - Investment insights

How to invest to be crisis ready

By Stephan Bernard on 01 Apr 2022

Reading time: 6 mins

COVID-19 has driven home an important life lesson: Expect (and plan for) the unexpected. When it comes to your finances, this means balancing the need to hav...

Insights categories - Local investing

Our take on the “shrinking” JSE

By Nadia van der Merwe and Stephan Bernard on 26 Jul 2021

Reading time: 14 mins

Several high-profile delistings over the recent past have spurred market commentators to discuss the JSE’s “slow death” in the context of a struggling local...

Insights categories - Investment insights

Part 4: How to invest to be crisis ready

By Stephan Bernard on 09 Jun 2020

Reading time: 7 mins

COVID-19 has driven home an important life lesson: Expect (and plan for) the unexpected. When it comes to your finances, this means balancing the need to hav...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

COVID-19: Looking to history to understand potential outcomes

By Stephan Bernard on 09 Apr 2020

Reading time: 7 mins

With much of the world in lockdown, one wonders whether it is appropriate to draw on past analogies in thinking about what lies ahead. However, every prior...

Insights categories - Local investing

Stable Fund: Are we meeting our objectives?

By Stephan Bernard and Radhesen Naidoo on 29 Apr 2019

Reading time: 11 mins

The investment environment over the last few years has been particularly challenging, causing the Stable Fund’s return to be more volatile than it has been...

Insights categories - Investment insights

Our approach to portfolio construction

By Stephan Bernard on 08 Apr 2019

Reading time: 3 mins

Our investment approach is simple: We do careful research to identify good value businesses, buy shares when they trade below our assessment of fair value an...


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