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Articles tagged as "Retirement Annuity Fund"

Insights categories - Retirement

Welcome amendments to retirement reform

By Richard Carter on 03 Feb 2016

Reading time: 3 mins

The retirement reform amendments contained in the Taxation Laws Amendment Bill, which will come into effect on 1 March 2016, are a positive step by Treasury ...

Insights categories - Retirement

More for the future you, less for the tax man

By Carla Rossouw on 14 Jan 2016

Reading time: 4 mins

The tides are changing in the retirement savings space, with National Treasury encouraging us to save more for retirement by significantly increasing the tax...

Insights categories - Retirement

Delays to retirement reform shouldn't mean delays to your retirement savings

By Richard Carter on 31 Mar 2015

Reading time: 9 mins

In Quarterly Commentary 1, 2013 we wrote about retirement reform, discussing how the changes would affect existing and potential retirement fund members. Fas...

Insights categories - Retirement

Consider your lifestyle inflation when saving for retirement

By Shaun Duddy on 25 Feb 2014

Reading time: 5 mins

While most investors seem to understand the need to contribute consistently to their retirement funds, and to start saving as early as possible, many investo...

Insights categories - Retirement

Group retirement annuities bolstered by retirement reform

By Gerhard Klinger and Debbie Ryan on 31 Mar 2013

Reading time: 6 mins

You should not let the current uncertainty around retirement reform inhibit your willingness to save for your retirement; it is very difficult to make up for...

Insights categories - Retirement

February: A good month to review your retirement plans and bump up your retirement savings

By Wanita Isaacs on 19 Feb 2013

Reading time: 5 mins

Don’t kid yourself that retirement planning is for those nearing retirement; the decisions you make early on have the greatest impact on your investment. The...

Insights categories - Retirement

Retirement annuities: still an attractive choice for retirement savings

By Christo Terblanche on 09 Feb 2012

Reading time: 5 mins

In light of changes to the legislation governing retirement funds, which now limits the exposure individuals may have to various asset classes (e.g. a maximu...

Insights categories - Retirement

Working with the new retirement fund regulations

By Christo Terblanche on 01 Apr 2011

Reading time: 7 mins

Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act sets out the maximum exposures that retirement funds may have to various asset classes. Previously this was monitored ...

Insights categories - Retirement

Early withdrawals from your retirement savings can be taxing

By Michael Summerton and Carla Rossouw on 30 Jun 2010

Reading time: 8 mins

In this article, Michael Summerton and Carla Rossouw provide an overview of how withdrawal and retirement benefits are taxed. They use practical examples to...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Capital Gains Tax and how it affects unit trust investors

By Rob Formby on 31 Mar 2010

Reading time: 8 mins

At Allan Gray, we focus on managing your investments. We acknowledge that there are important aspects of investing - such as tax on your investments - that a...


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