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Articles tagged as "Exchange Rate"

Insights categories - Personal investing

PART 4: Investing offshore to finance international education

By Saleem Sonday on 16 Jul 2019

Reading time: 7 mins

It’s hard to make space for saving in our already-stretched budgets, but what about those of us who have children aspiring to spread their wings by studying...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

The trend is your friend till it bends at the end

By Duncan Artus on 24 May 2012

Reading time: 4 mins

For some time we have been concerned about the sustainability and unbalanced nature of consumption growth in South Africa. I don’t believe you can consume,...

Insights categories - Personal investing

The offshore conundrum

By Chris du Toit on 31 Mar 2011

Reading time: 6 mins

A question often asked of us is: 'How much should I invest offshore?' This question has a different answer for each person. Another, perhaps more important,...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

The long-term outlook for the South African bond market

By Andrew Lapping on 31 Mar 2011

Reading time: 9 mins

As a bond investor you need to ask yourself two questions: are your inflation expectations reasonable, and will the potential real return be sufficient? Andr...

Insights categories - Local investing

The Stable Fund completes a decade

By Richard Carter on 30 Jun 2010

Reading time: 6 mins

The Allan Gray Stable Fund celebrated its 10-year anniversary on 1 July. This is a good time to reflect on how the Fund has performed over its first 10 years...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

Welcoming the world to South Africa (but are they here to stay...?)

By Ian Liddle on 30 Jun 2010

Reading time: 6 mins

For most of the time since our first democratic election in 1994, foreign investors have been net buyers of companies listed on the JSE. They are now...

Insights categories - Offshore investing

Launch of the Allan Gray-Orbis Global Optimal Fund of Funds

By Richard Carter on 31 Mar 2010

Reading time: 8 mins

Allan Gray introduced its third rand-denominated offshore fund on 1 March 2010 bringing the total number of unit trusts to nine. The Allan Gray-Orbis Global...


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