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Articles tagged as "Absa"

Insights category - companies

Seeing the potential in Standard Bank

By Ghiete van Zyl on 01 Feb 2024

Reading time: 10 mins

On various metrics, the valuations of South African banks have not recovered to pre- COVID-19 levels , suggesting there is value to be found . O f the Big 4 ...

Insights categories - Local investing

Do South African banks offer value in a COVID-19 battered world?

By Tim Acker on 09 Jun 2020

Reading time: 6 mins

As South African banks re-evaluate their models to deal with the potential implications of the coronavirus pandemic and take proactive steps to minimise the...

Insights category - companies

Barclays Group Africa: Seizing the opportunity

By Simon Raubenheimer on 20 Jul 2017

Reading time: 9 mins

Earlier this quarter our clients had the chance to participate in a rare opportunity: on 31 May 2017, UK-based Barclays PLC announced the sale of 33.7% of BG...

Insights category - companies

Barclays Group Africa: Seizing the opportunity

By Simon Raubenheimer on 20 Jul 2017

Reading time: 9 mins

Earlier this quarter our clients had the chance to participate in a rare opportunity: on 31 May 2017, UK-based Barclays PLC announced the sale of 33.7% of BG...


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