Zwelethu - Allan Gray

Zwelethu Nkosi

Zwelethu was appointed head of Marketing in 2021. She joined Allan Gray in 2010 and was promoted to head of Brand and Advertising in 2018. Before that, she fulfilled Marketing and Brand manager roles, responsible for the management of the brand, including advertising and media. She has experience across multiple marketing disciplines, including business development, trade, consumer and relationship marketing. Zwelethu holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree and a Postgraduate Diploma in Management: Marketing, both from the University of Cape Town.

Articles by Zwelethu Nkosi

Insights categories - Corporate citizenship

Time: The greatest gift of all

By Zwelethu Nkosi on 01 Feb 2024

Reading time: 10 mins

Our advertising has always been, and continues to be focused on informing our clients and prospective clients about who we are, our investment philosophy,...

Insights categories - Corporate citizenship

The value of time

By Zwelethu Nkosi on 16 Nov 2023

Reading time: 13 mins

In our 50 years of existence, we have grown from a little-known brand to one of South Africa’s most recognisable investment managers, servicing a wide cross...

Insights categories - Personal investing

True rewards take time

By Zwelethu Nkosi on 30 Jun 2018

Reading time: 9 mins

Allan Gray’s advertising strategy has always been built around the characteristics of the firm and continues to tap into human truths that connect with our...

Insights categories - Corporate citizenship

Introducing ‘Father’s share’, our new TV advert

By Zwelethu Nkosi on 11 May 2018

Reading time: 1 min

We are excited to announce the launch of our new television advert, developed in partnership with King James the Second and Plank Productions, directed by Pe...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Commitment counts

By Zwelethu Nkosi on 30 Sep 2015

Reading time: 6 mins

There will always be ups and downs in the markets as much as in life. To deliver great long-term investment performance we believe a fund manager needs to...


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