Fiona Jeffery

Fiona Jeffery

Fiona joined Orbis in 2015, having previously spent six years in the Institutional Clients team at Allan Gray. She leads the firm’s team of Investment Counsellors based in London and is responsible for servicing institutional clients and investment consultants. Fiona is also a specialist on the Orbis Global Equity Strategy, a member of the firm’s UK executive committee and a director. She holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) degree in Financial Analysis from Stellenbosch University and is a CFA® charterholder.

Articles by Fiona Jeffery

Insights categories - Offshore investing

Orbis: Navigating market change

By Fiona Jeffery on 21 Sep 2023

Reading time: 10 mins

To do well over the long term, you need to be positioned differently – particularly when markets are going through change. Fiona Jeffery, from our offshore...

Insights categories - Local investing

Stable Fund: Safeguarding our clients' capital is our core focus

By Mahesh Cooper and Fiona Jeffery on 31 Mar 2015

Reading time: 13 mins

When we launched the Allan Gray Stable Fund (the Fund) 15 years ago, we hoped that it would provide clients with returns that were competitive with bank...

Insights categories - Local investing

Stable Fund: Safeguarding our clients' capital is our core focus

By Mahesh Cooper and Fiona Jeffery on 31 Mar 2015

Reading time: 13 mins

When we launched the Allan Gray Stable Fund (the Fund) 15 years ago, we hoped that it would provide clients with returns that were competitive with bank...

Insights categories - Local investing

How 'active' is your manager?

By Fiona Jeffery on 30 Jun 2014

Reading time: 6 mins

Regular readers of our commentaries will know that we follow a valuation-based investment philosophy. At the same time, we are not afraid of investing contra...

Insights categories - Local investing

Analysing your fund's performance

By Fiona Jeffery on 31 Dec 2013

Reading time: 8 mins

Regular readers of our Quarterly Commentary will know that at Allan Gray we are focused on generating superior returns for our clients over the long term. On...


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