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Articles tagged as "regulation"

Insights categories - Investment insights

Looking to the long term

By Mahesh Cooper on 16 Nov 2023

Reading time: 7 mins

Turning 50 is an incredible milestone for any business. Over the last five decades, South Africa has experienced immense political, economic and societal...

Insights categories - Local investing

50 years of investing in an evolving ecosystem

By Tamryn Lamb on 16 Nov 2023

Reading time: 14 mins

The asset management industry plays a key role in society, channelling capital from savers to where it is needed in the real economy, and in so doing, creati...

Insights categories - Personal investing

New tax laws for expats

By Carla Rossouw on 03 Mar 2020

Reading time: 10 mins

The laws around tax for South Africans who live and work abroad have changed and it’s important to work out whether or not you are now expected to pay tax on...

Insights categories - Personal investing

New tax laws for expats

By Carla Rossouw on 03 Mar 2020

Reading time: 10 mins

The laws around tax for South Africans who live and work abroad have changed and it’s important to work out whether or not you are now expected to pay tax on...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Unravelling your residencies – exchange control, tax and citizenship

By Sunèl Delport and Mlulami Nxele on 10 May 2019

Reading time: 15 mins

South Africans who live and work abroad are not currently subject to income tax on the income they earn outside of South Africa, provided they spend more tha...

Insights categories - Retirement

Regulatory update: Get up to speed before year-end

By Richard Carter on 02 Dec 2014

Reading time: 5 mins

There is a lot going on in the regulatory space. Between retirement reform, on the one hand, and the so-called ‘Twin peaks’ model of financial regulation on...


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