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Articles tagged as "Balanced fund"

Insights categories - Local investing

Q&A: Allan Gray and Orbis investment update

By Saleem Sonday on 01 Dec 2022

Viewing time: 21 Mins

After an eventful year, many investors are feeling uncertain about how to position their portfolios to fare well in 2023. At the recent Allan Gray and Orbis...

Insights categories - Local investing

Q&A: Allan Gray and Orbis investment update

By Saleem Sonday on 01 Dec 2022

Viewing time: 21 Mins

After an eventful year, many investors are feeling uncertain about how to position their portfolios to fare well in 2023. At the recent Allan Gray and Orbis...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

COVID-19 cracked the crystal ball

By Tamryn Lamb on 22 Jun 2020

Reading time: 9 mins

Investors and their advisers continue to grapple with the question of what life, and indeed the world economy, will look like in the next one to three years....

Insights categories - Local investing

In pursuit of undervalued assets

By Andrew Lapping on 23 Jan 2020

Reading time: 8 mins

The South African equity market returned 12% in 2019, after being saved at the death by December’s 3.3% return. However, this pales in comparison to the 28%...

Insights categories - Local investing

How are our portfolios positioned to protect and grow our clients' capital?

By Duncan Artus on 24 Jan 2018

Reading time: 7 mins

Regular readers of our commentaries would have noted that we have found an increasing number of attractive opportunities in local equities over the last 18...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Junk status: Diversification is key to protect against market shocks

By Jeanette Marais on 05 May 2017

Reading time: 3 mins

The best thing you can do during periods of heightened uncertainty is to stick to your investment plan...

Insights categories - Local investing

Presenting the Allan Gray Tax-Free Balanced Fund

By Richard Carter and Earl Van Zyl on 31 Dec 2015

Reading time: 10 mins

We are excited to announce the launch of the Allan Gray Tax-Free Balanced Fund. This new unit trust will be managed in broadly the same way as our flagship...


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