Zimkhitha Peter

Zimkhitha Peter is the Head of Programmes at the Allan Gray Orbis Foundation. She joined the Foundation in 2008 and holds a BCom Honours in Industrial Psychology (UNISA) and a Leadership Development qualification from Harvard Business School. She is passionate about seeing the Foundation as the centre of excellence in the development of entrepreneurial capabilities.

Articles by Zimkhitha Peter

Insights categories - Corporate citizenship

A call to future entrepreneurs: Apply before 12 May

By Zimkhitha Peter on 31 Mar 2017

Reading time: 2 mins

Do you go against, behind and in front of the grain? Are you the streetwise running anti-clockwise? Do you see the unseen? Do you dream the undreamed? Are yo...

Insights categories - Corporate citizenship

Allan Gray Orbis Foundation update: What must rise?

By Zimkhitha Peter on 31 Dec 2016

Reading time: 6 mins

The Allan Gray Orbis Foundation's mission is to cultivate the entrepreneurial potential of young people. To do this, we try to help candidates build...

Insights categories - Corporate citizenship

Allan Gray Orbis Foundation update 2016

By Zimkhitha Peter on 30 Jun 2016

Reading time: 9 mins

Inspired by the Roman aqueducts of old, the Allan Gray Orbis Foundation has spent the last decade developing and fine tuning an entrepreneurial pipeline made...

Insights categories - Corporate citizenship

Allan Gray Orbis Foundation Update 2015

By Zimkhitha Peter on 31 Dec 2015

Reading time: 7 mins

‘All talents explode with early identification and intentional development.’ Jim Clifton In 2014, international research  organisation Gallup released...

Insights categories - Corporate citizenship

Allan Gray Orbis Foundation Update 2015

By Zimkhitha Peter on 31 Dec 2015

Reading time: 7 mins

‘All talents explode with early identification and intentional development.’ Jim Clifton In 2014, international research  organisation Gallup released...


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