Varshan Maharaj

Varshan Maharaj

Varshan joined Allan Gray in 2014 as an equity analyst. He was appointed as a portfolio manager in 2020 and manages a portion of the frontier markets equity portfolio. Varshan holds a Bachelor of Business Science degree from the University of Cape Town. He is a qualified Chartered Accountant and a CFA® charterholder.

Articles by Varshan Maharaj

Insights categories - Markets and economy

Frontier markets: Innovative industry leaders drive returns

By Varshan Maharaj on 14 Apr 2024

Reading time: 3 mins

There are many variables to consider when investing in frontier markets, and investors need to weigh up the risks very carefully as they pursue long-term...

Insights category - companies

Peering through the smoke

By Siphesihle Zwane and Varshan Maharaj on 04 May 2023

Reading time: 13 mins

A lot has changed in the tobacco industry in the last decade or so. Despite the changes in what used to be a stable industry, the attractive aspects of tobac...

Insights category - companies

Dialling in to the mobile network operators

By Varshan Maharaj on 01 Jul 2020

Reading time: 7 mins

MTN has underperformed the FTSE/JSE All Share Index (ALSI) significantly over the last five years. It has been one of our largest underweights compared to ou...


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