Shaun Duddy

Shaun joined Allan Gray in 2010 and currently heads up the Product Development team. Previously, he fulfilled roles as a business analyst and manager in the same team. Shaun holds a Bachelor of Business Science degree in Actuarial Science from the University of Cape Town.

Articles by Shaun Duddy

Insights categories - Retirement

Two-pot: Enabling better retirements – for those who avoid the risks

By Shaun Duddy on 08 Aug 2024

Reading time: 20 mins

The two-pot retirement system, which is set to be implemented on 1 September 2024, has been designed to improve retirement outcomes for South Africans by...

Insights categories - Personal investing

The cost of waiting to save

By Shaun Duddy on 26 Jun 2023

Reading time: 4 mins

Whether you want to save for your retirement, a child’s education or an overseas trip, starting now can significantly reduce the cost of reaching your goals....

Insights categories - Retirement

Upcoming changes to provident and provident preservation funds

By Shaun Duddy on 27 Jan 2021

Reading time: 11 mins

The Taxation Laws Amendment Act includes changes to the legislation that governs provident and provident preservation funds that will come into effect on 1...

Insights categories - Retirement

Changes to provident and provident preservation funds: What will they mean for members?

By Shaun Duddy on 15 Dec 2020

Reading time: 8 mins

The latest Taxation Laws Amendment Bill includes changes to the laws that govern provident and provident preservation funds that will come into effect from 1...

Insights categories - Retirement

How to manage your living annuity in uncertain times

By Shaun Duddy on 17 Jun 2020

Reading time: 8 mins

Presenting via Zoom webinar, Shaun Duddy discusses the “Rule Book” for managing your living annuity over the long term and interrogates whether these rules...

Insights categories - Retirement

How to make your retirement savings last: Common myths debunked

By Shaun Duddy on 01 Jun 2018

Reading time: 4 mins

There are many risks that need to be overcome to ensure that retirement savings last, says Shaun Duddy, including longevity, inflation and investment risk. I...

Insights categories - Retirement

How to achieve a sustainable retirement income

By Shaun Duddy on 23 Nov 2017

Reading time: 8 mins

Shaun Duddy discusses how to meet and manage risks while drawing a stable income in retirement. He explains why investing at least 50% in growth assets is a...

Insights categories - Investment insights

The upside to downside protection

By Shaun Duddy on 30 Jun 2015

Reading time: 10 mins

Warren Buffet famously said that there are two rules when investing, 'Rule No.1: Never lose money, Rule No.2: Never forget rule No.1.' Shaun Duddy discusses...

Insights categories - Retirement

Consider your lifestyle inflation when saving for retirement

By Shaun Duddy on 25 Feb 2014

Reading time: 5 mins

While most investors seem to understand the need to contribute consistently to their retirement funds, and to start saving as early as possible, many investo...


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