Articles tagged as "XPO Logistics"
Orbis: Are there real long-term opportunities in the US?
With just 30% of assets invested in US shares versus 66% for the MSCI World Index, the Orbis Global Equity Fund’s current underweight to the US market is the...
Orbis Global Equity: Positioned for multiple views of the future
2020 has been quite a year and many of us are undoubtedly looking forward to putting it in the past. The pandemic, global lockdowns, US elections, one of the...
Orbis: Resilience and enthusiasm at a time of uncertainty
In a presentation to advisers and clients via Zoom webinar, Matthew Spencer, from our offshore partner Orbis, discusses the disappointing recent performance ...
Orbis: Perspectives on the portfolio
Matthew Spencer, from our Offshore partner Orbis, explains what has driven Orbis’ recent performance, while also sharing some research about performance tren...
Orbis: Key detractors from recent performance
Periods of underperformance are stressful and disappointing, and while they are an expected part of the investment cycle for us as a contrarian manager, we...
Orbis Global Equity: Investing differently
Over the last five years, the median global equity manager has underperformed the MSCI World Index and many value-oriented global equity managers have done...
Q&A: Orbis Global Equity Fund
What are the names of the managers of the Orbis Global Equity Fund and where are they based...
Orbis: Buying carefully in indiscriminate selloffs
Periods of short-term underperformance are a price we must pay for seeking superior long-term returns. The third quarter certainly qualified as one of those...