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Articles tagged as "Steinhoff"

Insights categories - ESG

Steinhoff class action

By Rob Formby on 28 Sep 2018

Reading time: 1 min

Allan Gray, along with other South African institutions, is participating in a class action case being run in the Netherlands by Dutch law firm BarentsKrans ...

Insights categories - Investment insights

How to spot investment red flags

By Duncan Artus on 03 Aug 2018

Reading time: 5 mins

South Africa has been rocked by a series of corporate scandals in recent years that have sent the share prices of former blue-chip companies like Steinhoff a...

Insights categories - Investment insights

How to spot investment red flags

By Duncan Artus on 03 Aug 2018

Reading time: 5 mins

South Africa has been rocked by a series of corporate scandals in recent years that have sent the share prices of former blue-chip companies like Steinhoff a...

Insights categories - Investment insights

Long-term investing should have nothing to fear from the Viceroys

By Leonard Krüger on 19 Apr 2018

Reading time: 7 mins

Activist short sellers have been a prominent feature in stock markets for many years. It’s easy to get caught up in the hype when their ideas hit the news....

Insights categories - Investment insights

Investment lessons from 2017: be patient and trust your analysis

By Andrew Lapping on 01 Feb 2018

Reading time: 5 mins

Separating oneself from the noise is tricky. There is an enormous amount of information out there; you can listen to experts on television, read newspapers,...

Insights category - companies

How has your investment been impacted by the fall in the price of Steinhoff?

By Andrew Lapping on 11 Dec 2017

Reading time: 2 mins

Global retailer Steinhoff International Holdings NV’s share price had fallen 86.9% by close of trade on Friday 8 December, following CEO Markus Jooste’s...

Insights categories - Local investing

Equity Fund update: Don’t be seduced by high expectations

By Simon Raubenheimer on 14 Oct 2016

Reading time: 3 mins

It is interesting to note the surprise announcements made by several market ‘darlings’ over the course of the third quarter of 2016. Mr Price revealed negati...


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