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Insights categories - Local investing

Navigating investment challenges: The interplay between skill and luck

By Jithen Pillay and Matthew Patterson on 05 Jun 2024

Reading time: 7 mins

Decision strategist and best-selling author Annie Duke advises focusing on a good process when trying to make the best decisions in highly uncertain scenario...

Insights categories - Local investing

Navigating investment challenges: The interplay between skill and luck

By Jithen Pillay and Matthew Patterson on 05 Jun 2024

Reading time: 7 mins

Decision strategist and best-selling author Annie Duke advises focusing on a good process when trying to make the best decisions in highly uncertain scenario...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

Q&A with portfolio managers from Allan Gray and Orbis 2021

By Tamryn Lamb on 26 May 2021

Reading time: 1 min

The global recovery is underway as markets rebound from their March 2020 lows, but the current pandemic is far from over, leaving many investors questioning...

Insights category - companies

To have and to hold?

By Kamal Govan on 27 Jan 2021

Reading time: 9 mins

If the value associated with a holding company is less than the sum of its parts, is it a worthwhile investment? Kamal Govan looks at the drivers of holding...

Insights category - companies

Reflecting on our top equity holdings

By Leonard Krüger on 28 Oct 2019

Reading time: 8 mins

The performance of the Allan Gray Equity, Balanced and Stable funds has been disappointing over the past couple of years. Low single-digit returns from...

Insights categories - Local investing

Balanced Fund update: An increased weighting towards local stocks

By Duncan Artus on 23 Oct 2017

Reading time: 3 mins

The local equity market had a strong quarter, breaking out to new highs despite all the negative news headlines. Many investors forget that the FTSE/JSE All...

Insights category - companies

Insurance: better than you think

By Duncan Artus and Leonard Krüger on 31 Mar 2012

Reading time: 7 mins

We have previously set out the reasons Sanlam has an above-benchmark position in our clients’ portfolios (see Quarterly Commentary 1, 2010). On a...

Insights category - companies

The investment case for BAT

By Simon Raubenheimer on 30 Jun 2010

Reading time: 9 mins

British American Tobacco provides the rare opportunity to invest in a superior quality business in a stable industry at a discount to the average company. Wi...


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