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Articles tagged as "Loadshedding"

Insights categories - Markets and economy

Eskom: Are brighter days ahead?

By Raine Adams on 01 Feb 2024

Reading time: 16 mins

What does 2024 have in store for loadshedding? Raine Adams investigates whether there is any light at the end of the dark tunnel.

Insights categories - Offshore investing

From Johannesburg to Japan: How to resist the magnetism of the magnificent seven

By Tamryn Lamb on 28 Sep 2023

Listening time: 64 mins

In conversation with Tamryn Lamb, Allan Gray portfolio manager Tim Acker and Graeme Forster, portfolio manager at our offshore partner, Orbis, explain why we...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

Is South Africa winning the inflation battle?

By Thandi Skade on 26 Sep 2023

Reading time: 4 mins

Following the South African Reserve Bank’s (SARB) aggressive near-two-year interest rate hiking cycle, headline inflation in South Africa seems to be getting...

Insights categories - ESG

Taking stock of our stewardship efforts

By Duncan Artus on 06 Jun 2023

Reading time: 6 mins

At Allan Gray, we aim to be a great asset manager that integrates ESG well in our approach and decision-making, rather than an ESG-focused company that manag...

Insights categories - Offshore investing

Are we entering a global stockpicker’s paradise?

By Rory Kutisker-Jacobson on 02 Jun 2023

Listening time: 40 mins

In conversation with portfolio manager Rory Kutisker-Jacobson, Matthew Spencer from our offshore partner, Orbis, explains why the Investment team believes th...

Insights categories - Personal investing

2023 Budget speech update

By Carrie Norden on 22 Feb 2023

Reading time: 11 mins

The 2023 Budget speech was delivered against the backdrop of high living costs, a dismal unemployment rate and intensive loadshedding crippling businesses, a...

Insights categories - Personal investing

2023 Budget: A taxing balance

By Carla Rossouw on 22 Feb 2023

Reading time: 5 mins

The 2023 Budget speech was delivered against the backdrop of high living costs, a dismal unemployment rate and intensive loadshedding crippling businesses, a...

Insights categories - Personal investing

2023 Budget: A taxing balance

By Carla Rossouw on 22 Feb 2023

Reading time: 5 mins

The 2023 Budget speech was delivered against the backdrop of high living costs, a dismal unemployment rate and intensive loadshedding crippling businesses, a...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

The 2023 Budget: A crisis of credibility in the outer years of the forecast

By Thalia Petousis on 13 Feb 2023

Reading time: 5 mins

Thalia Petousis, portfolio manager at Allan Gray, shares her views on the challenges of putting together a credible national budget


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