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Articles tagged as "Cash"

Insights categories - Markets and economy

Are inflation-beating returns on the horizon for money market investors in 2023?

By Thalia Petousis on 26 Jan 2023

Reading time: 5 mins

The 2022 calendar year was undeniably one of meaningful financial market upheaval, worsened by negative portfolio returns of a quantum that many investors ha...

Insights categories - Investment insights

How to invest to be crisis ready

By Stephan Bernard on 01 Apr 2022

Reading time: 6 mins

COVID-19 has driven home an important life lesson: Expect (and plan for) the unexpected. When it comes to your finances, this means balancing the need to hav...

Insights categories - Investment insights

Part 4: How to invest to be crisis ready

By Stephan Bernard on 09 Jun 2020

Reading time: 7 mins

COVID-19 has driven home an important life lesson: Expect (and plan for) the unexpected. When it comes to your finances, this means balancing the need to hav...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

COVID-19: Looking to history to understand potential outcomes

By Stephan Bernard on 09 Apr 2020

Reading time: 7 mins

With much of the world in lockdown, one wonders whether it is appropriate to draw on past analogies in thinking about what lies ahead. However, every prior...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

COVID-19: Q&A with Allan Gray portfolio managers

By Tamryn Lamb on 08 Apr 2020

Viewing time: 6 mins

With many countries in lockdown, uncertainty prevails. Against this backdrop, many clients are asking for our views on the economic impact, an update on our...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

COVID-19: Evaluating market risk versus opportunity

By Duncan Artus on 25 Mar 2020

Viewing time: 1 min

We have managed our portfolios through a range of different crises since 1974. Over the last 20 years, the dotcom collapse in 2001/02, the global financial...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Beware of recency bias when making investment decisions

By Beatri Faul on 29 Jan 2020

Reading time: 9 mins

Over the past year, we have seen local investments streaming towards bonds and cash – the top-performing asset classes for most of 2019. Are investors chasin...

Insights categories - Local investing

How to construct a portfolio for a range of outcomes

By Andrew Lapping on 28 Oct 2019

Reading time: 8 mins

The future is extremely uncertain. This isn’t because of any particular global situation; it is always the case. This is why it is important that we build...

Insights categories - Local investing

The dash for cash

By Duncan Artus and Nathan Wridgway on 28 Feb 2019

Reading time: 4 mins

The end of the calendar year often leads to reflection on how one’s investments have performed. Many savers are questioning the wisdom of investing in South...

Insights categories - Local investing

Is cash king?

By Catherine Robberts on 22 Nov 2018

Reading time: 4 mins

It has been a good few years for cash. Over the past three years cash (i.e. highly liquid assets, like money market funds and fixed-interest assets, such as...


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