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Articles tagged as "Anglo"

Insights categories - Local investing

How to invest for the possibility of higher inflation and interest rates

By Duncan Artus on 17 Nov 2021

Viewing time: 7 mins

The probability that the world is moving into an environment of higher inflation is increasing. An inflationary environment requires investors to think...

Insights categories - Local investing

Prospects look promising

By Stephan Bernard and Radhesen Naidoo on 12 Oct 2020

Reading time: 8 mins

Disappointing short-term performance has had a dampening effect on longer-term numbers. Looking at similar periods in our history provides useful context and...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

Do fundamentals still matter?

By Rory Kutisker-Jacobson on 15 Sep 2020

Reading time: 7 mins

There is an increasingly wide disconnect between the economic reality on the ground and the valuations reflected in some asset classes globally, begging the...

Insights categories - Local investing

Equity Fund update: Investing amid extreme price moves

By Jacques Plaut on 24 Jul 2020

Reading time: 3 mins

The second quarter of 2020 saw further extreme moves in equities. An intraday price move of 20% is a rare event, especially for a large company. In the month...


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