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Articles tagged as "Sberbank"

Insights categories - Markets and economy

Understanding the impact of the Ukraine crisis on your investments

By Jacques Plaut on 07 Mar 2022

Reading time: 5 mins

Like everyone else, we have been watching with dismay as the war in Ukraine unfolds. While in this piece we address some of the economic and investment...

Insights categories - Offshore investing

Russia-led volatility underscores the need for calm, considered action

By John Christy on 03 Mar 2022

Reading time: 5 mins

As recently as last week, it was still unclear whether or not Russia would launch a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. It is now all too clear that Putin wasn’t...

Insights categories - Offshore investing

Russia-led volatility underscores the need for calm, considered action

By John Christy on 03 Mar 2022

Reading time: 5 mins

As recently as last week, it was still unclear whether or not Russia would launch a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. It is now all too clear that Putin wasn’t...

Insights categories - Offshore investing

The global opportunity set

By John Christy on 24 Jan 2018

Reading time: 11 mins

Orbis does not invest in "the market". Instead, they focus entirely on finding the most compelling individual opportunities on offer. There's no better way t...

Insights categories - Offshore investing

Key buckets of opportunities

By Tamryn Lamb on 29 Jun 2017

Viewing time: 1 min

In our search for undervalued assets we have found companies that fit into five categories...


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