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Articles tagged as "Investment manager"

Insights categories - Personal investing

Understanding investment accounts

By Tamryn Lamb on 17 Nov 2020

Viewing time: 56 mins

Making sure that you choose appropriate investment accounts for your various financial goals is an essential part of the investing process. In the third of s...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Understanding investment accounts

By Tamryn Lamb on 17 Nov 2020

Viewing time: 56 mins

Making sure that you choose appropriate investment accounts for your various financial goals is an essential part of the investing process. In the third of s...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Choosing an investment manager

By Vuyo Nogantshi on 03 Nov 2020

Viewing time: 1 hr 5 seconds

South African investors have access to a wide range of investment managers with different styles and areas of expertise. Narrowing down your options can be a...

Insights categories - Investment insights

Is your trust in your investment manager well placed?

By Nomi Bodlani and Tamryn Lamb on 16 Oct 2020

Reading time: 12 mins

It has been a volatile six months in the markets, following a five-year period of disappointing equity returns. At times like these, it is understandable for...

Insights categories - Investment insights

Skilled Investing: Separating the wheat from the chaff

By Vuyo Nogantshi on 17 Oct 2018

Reading time: 7 mins

The difference between skilled and lucky investment managers is that over extended periods, skill should prevail in delivering good investment outcomes, whil...

Insights categories - Personal investing

How to select your asset manager

By Thandi Ngwane on 26 Sep 2018

Viewing time: 1 min

Past performance is often the first, and sometimes only, consideration investors make when selecting an investment manager. However, performance is just one ...

Insights categories - Personal investing

PART 6: Where can I invest my money?

By Mthobisi Mthimkhulu on 23 Oct 2017

Reading time: 5 mins

There are so many investment managers to choose from, how do I figure out where I can invest my money...

Insights categories - Personal investing

PART 6: Where can I invest my money?

By Mthobisi Mthimkhulu on 23 Oct 2017

Reading time: 5 mins

There are so many investment managers to choose from, how do I figure out where I can invest my money...

Insights categories - Investment insights

How to select an investment manager

By Mahesh Cooper on 19 Oct 2016

Reading time: 3 mins

Focusing on past performance is often the first and only port of call for investors when trying to differentiate between investment managers. But there is no...


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