Articles tagged as "Allan Gray Group Retirement Annuity Fund"
Two-pot: Your burning questions answered
With the new two-pot retirement system set to be implemented on 1 September 2024, many retirement fund members are wondering what the new legislation entails...
Delays to retirement reform shouldn't mean delays to your retirement savings
In Quarterly Commentary 1, 2013 we wrote about retirement reform, discussing how the changes would affect existing and potential retirement fund members. Fas...
Group retirement annuities bolstered by retirement reform
You should not let the current uncertainty around retirement reform inhibit your willingness to save for your retirement; it is very difficult to make up for...
Working with the new retirement fund regulations
Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act sets out the maximum exposures that retirement funds may have to various asset classes. Previously this was monitored ...
Solving the problem of retirement funding for small and medium-size businesses
In Quarterly Commentary 1 of 2008 we introduced you to the Allan Gray Group Retirement Annuity. Two years on we reflect on how this system is proving to be a...