Twanji Kalula

Twanji Kalula

Twanji joined Allan Gray in 2019 and is a communications manager. He holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree in Media Theory and Practice from the University of Cape Town and a Master of Science degree in Corporate Communication and Public Affairs from Robert Gordon University.

Articles by Twanji Kalula

Insights categories - Retirement

Could you survive on less than a third of your income in retirement?

By Twanji Kalula on 12 Aug 2024

Reading time: 12 mins

Despite taking steps to save, millions of South Africans are at risk of having to make significant lifestyle-related downgrades when they are no longer...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Are you making the most of your tax-free investment account?

By Tamryn Lamb and Twanji Kalula on 23 Jan 2023

Reading time: 13 mins

Tamryn Lamb and Twanji Kalula unpack the pros and cons of using tax-free investment accounts over the long term and explain how they can be used to complemen...


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