Lydia Fourie - Allan Gray

Lydia Fourie

Lydia is a communications manager in the Marketing team. She rejoined Allan Gray in 2019, having held roles in the Retail Client Services, Product Development, and Investor Education and Behaviour teams between 2010 and 2016. Lydia holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) degree in Actuarial Science from Stellenbosch University.

Articles by Lydia Fourie

Insights categories - Retirement

Two-pot: Your burning questions answered

By Lydia Fourie on 08 Aug 2024

Reading time: 15 mins

With the new two-pot retirement system set to be implemented on 1 September 2024, many retirement fund members are wondering what the new legislation entails...

Insights categories - Personal investing

How to overcome the fear of losing money

By Lydia Fourie on 07 Dec 2022

Reading time: 5 mins

Research shows that our brains are hardwired to avoid loss. This behavioural bias can often drive us to make irrational decisions, especially when it comes t...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Investing – risky business?

By Lydia Fourie on 27 Oct 2022

Reading time: 11 mins

Understanding your investments, and the risks you may face when investing, can go a long way towards helping you successfully navigate trying times. Lydia...


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