Latest prices, factsheets and performance

Our local unit trusts
Unit trust Prices in cents
Current price1 26 Jul
Month-end 28 Jun
Factsheet2 Download all
Allan Gray Equity Fund Price at 26 Jul 58 265.25
current price 26 Jul
58 265.25
month end 28 Jun
57 125.90
Jun 2024
Allan Gray Balanced Fund Price at 26 Jul 15 286.46
current price 26 Jul
15 286.46
month end 28 Jun
15 076.51
Jun 2024
Allan Gray Stable Fund Price at 26 Jul 4 547.75
current price 26 Jul
4 547.75
month end 28 Jun
4 469.55
Jun 2024
Allan Gray Money Market Fund Price at 26 Jul 100.00
current price 26 Jul
month end 28 Jun
Jun 2024
Allan Gray - Orbis Global Equity Feeder Fund This fund is currently unavailable for basic unit trust investments (i.e. account numbers starting with AGUT or AGLP). The fund has been closed by the management company to manage its offshore exposure within the regulated offshore limit. However, you may still access the fund via the Allan Gray Endowment, Living Annuity, Retirement Annuity Fund or Preservation funds. Please contact the Allan Gray Client Service Centre on 0860 000 654 for further information. Price at 26 Jul 13 468.67
current price 26 Jul
13 468.67
month end 28 Jun
13 087.63
Jun 2024
Allan Gray - Orbis Global Balanced Feeder Fund This fund is currently unavailable for basic unit trust investments (i.e. account numbers starting with AGUT or AGLP). The fund has been closed by the management company to manage its offshore exposure within the regulated offshore limit. However, you may still access the fund via the Allan Gray Endowment, Living Annuity, Retirement Annuity Fund or Preservation funds. Please contact the Allan Gray Client Service Centre on 0860 000 654 for further information. Price at 26 Jul 7 674.06
current price 26 Jul
7 674.06
month end 28 Jun
7 455.46
Jun 2024
Allan Gray - Orbis Global Optimal Fund of Funds This fund is currently unavailable for basic unit trust investments (i.e. account numbers starting with AGUT or AGLP). The fund has been closed by the management company to manage its offshore exposure within the regulated offshore limit. However, you may still access the fund via the Allan Gray Endowment, Living Annuity, Retirement Annuity Fund or Preservation funds. Please contact the Allan Gray Client Service Centre on 0860 000 654 for further information. Price at 26 Jul 2 951.41
current price 26 Jul
2 951.41
month end 28 Jun
2 815.10
Jun 2024
Our specialist unit trusts
Unit trust Prices in cents
Current price1 26 Jul
Month-end 28 Jun
Factsheet2 Download all
Allan Gray SA Equity Fund Price at 26 Jul 46 992.40
current price 26 Jul
46 992.40
month end 28 Jun
46 459.59
Jun 2024
Allan Gray Optimal Fund Price at 26 Jul 2 351.10
current price 26 Jul
2 351.10
month end 28 Jun
2 342.02
Jun 2024
Allan Gray Bond Fund Price at 26 Jul 1 049.56
current price 26 Jul
1 049.56
month end 28 Jun
1 047.67
Jun 2024
Our offshore unit trusts*
Orbis Daily prices in fund currency
Current price 25 Jul
Month-end 28 Jun
Factsheet Download all
Orbis Global Equity Fund (USD) (Class RRFA) Price at 25 Jul 368.99
current price 25 Jul
month end 28 Jun
Jun 2024
Orbis SICAV Emerging Markets Equity Fund (USD) (Class RRFA) Price at 25 Jul 30.24
current price 25 Jul
month end 28 Jun
Jun 2024
Orbis SICAV Japan Equity Fund (JPY) (Class RRFA) Price at 25 Jul 10 549.00
current price 25 Jul
10 549.00
month end 28 Jun
10 748.00
Jun 2024
Orbis SICAV Global Balanced Fund (USD) (Class RRFA) Price at 25 Jul 22.62
current price 25 Jul
month end 28 Jun
Jun 2024
Orbis SICAV Global Cautious Fund (USD) (Class RRFC) Price at 25 Jul 12.69
current price 25 Jul
month end 28 Jun
Jun 2024
Orbis Optimal SA Fund (USD) (Class A) Price at 25 Jul 18.73
current price 25 Jul
month end 28 Jun
Jun 2024
Orbis Optimal SA Fund (EUR) (Class A) Price at 25 Jul 15.82
current price 25 Jul
month end 28 Jun
Jun 2024
Allan Gray offshore Weekly prices in unit trust currency
Current price1 18 Jul
Month-end 30 Jun
Allan Gray Africa Bond Fund (USD) (Class C) The Allan Gray Africa Bond Fund currently has limited capacity, which means that subscriptions into the Fund may have to be phased in, and redemptions from the Fund may be limited per dealing day. Fair value pricing may also be used to value the Fund's assets where market prices do not accurately reflect fair value. Please refer to the Fund's minimum disclosure document for more information. Price at 18 Jul 180.63
current price 18 Jul
month end 30 Jun
Jun 2024
Allan Gray Africa ex-SA Equity Fund (USD) (Class C) The Allan Gray Africa ex-SA Equity Fund currently has limited capacity, which means that subscriptions into the Fund may have to be phased in, and redemptions from the Fund may be limited per dealing day. Fair value pricing may also be used to value the Fund's assets where market prices do not accurately reflect fair value. Please refer to the Fund's minimum disclosure document for more information. Price at 18 Jul 150.75
current price 18 Jul
month end 30 Jun
Jun 2024
Allan Gray Frontier Markets Equity Fund (USD) (Class C) The Allan Gray Frontier Markets Equity Fund currently has limited capacity, which means that subscriptions into the Fund may have to be phased in, and redemptions from the Fund may be limited per dealing day. Fair value pricing may also be used to value the Fund's assets where market prices do not accurately reflect fair value. Please refer to the Fund's minimum disclosure document for more information. Price at 18 Jul 162.65
current price 18 Jul
month end 30 Jun
Jun 2024
Allan Gray Africa Equity Fund (USD) (Class A) The Allan Gray Africa Equity Fund currently has limited capacity, which means that subscriptions into the Fund may have to be phased in, and redemptions from the Fund may be limited per dealing day. Fair value pricing may also be used to value the Fund's assets where market prices do not accurately reflect fair value. Please refer to the Fund's minimum disclosure document for more information. Price at 18 Jul 201.29
current price 18 Jul
month end 30 Jun
Jun 2024
Allan Gray Australia Daily prices in unit trust currency
Current price1 25 Jul
Month-end 28 Jun
Allan Gray Australia Balanced Fund (AUD) Price at 25 Jul 1.31
current price 25 Jul
month end 28 Jun
Jun 2024
Allan Gray Australia Equity Fund (AUD) (Class A) Price at 25 Jul 1.62
current price 25 Jul
month end 28 Jun
Jun 2024
Allan Gray Australia Stable Fund (AUD) Price at 25 Jul 1.18
current price 25 Jul
month end 28 Jun
Jun 2024
Unit trusts for tax-free investments**
Allan Gray
Unit trust Prices in cents
Current price1 26 Jul
Month-end 28 Jun
Factsheet2 Download all
Allan Gray Tax-Free Balanced Fund Price at 26 Jul 1 638.02
current price 26 Jul
1 638.02
month end 28 Jun
1 616.51
Jun 2024
Allan Gray Money Market Fund Price at 26 Jul 100.00
current price 26 Jul
month end 28 Jun
Jun 2024
Allan Gray Bond Fund Price at 26 Jul 1 049.56
current price 26 Jul
1 049.56
month end 28 Jun
1 047.67
Jun 2024
27four Investment Managers
Lindsell Train
Camissa Asset Management
Catalyst Fund Managers
Coronation Fund Managers
Fairtree Asset Management
Foord Asset Management
M&G Investment Managers
Mazi Asset Management
Nedgroup Investments
Ninety One Fund Managers
Old Mutual Unit Trust Managers
Perpetua Investment Managers
PSG Asset Management
Rezco Collective Investments
Satrix Managers
Sesfikile Capital
Investment portfolios for the umbrella retirement fund
Allan Gray Default Investment Strategy Prices in cents
Current price1 26 Jul
Month-end 28 Jun
Allan Gray Balanced Portfolio Price at 25 Jul 305 491.89
current price 25 Jul
305 491.89 ( 25 Jul )
month end 28 Jun
297 920.50
Jun 2024
Allan Gray Stable Portfolio Price at 25 Jul 83 403.67
current price 25 Jul
83 403.67 ( 25 Jul )
month end 28 Jun
81 089.13
Jun 2024
Multi-Manager Default Investment Strategy Prices in cents
Current price 26 Jul
Month-end 28 Jun
Allan Gray Multi-Manager Moderate Portfolio Price at 25 Jul 17 597.15
current price 25 Jul
17 597.15 ( 25 Jul )
month end 28 Jun
17 343.29
May 2024
Allan Gray Multi-Manager Cautious Portfolio Price at 25 Jul 16 115.35
current price 25 Jul
16 115.35 ( 25 Jul )
month end 28 Jun
15 842.42
May 2024
Other investment portfolios Prices in cents
Current price 26 Jul
Month-end 28 Jun
Allan Gray Money Market Fund (Class U) Price at 26 Jul 100.00
current price 26 Jul
month end 28 Jun
Jun 2024
27four Shari'ah Wealth Builder Fund Price at 25 Jul 277.27
current price 25 Jul
277.27 ( 25 Jul )
month end 28 Jun
Jun 2024
Camissa Balanced Fund (Class C) Price at 26 Jul 235.50
current price 26 Jul
month end 28 Jun
Jun 2024
Camissa Islamic Balanced Fund (Class B) Price at 26 Jul 236.36
current price 26 Jul
month end 28 Jun
Jun 2024
Coronation Global Absolute Portfolio Price at 25 Jul 2 492.70
current price 25 Jul
2 492.70 ( 25 Jul )
month end 28 Jun
2 469.17
Jun 2024
Coronation Global Houseview Portfolio Price at 25 Jul 2 668.28
current price 25 Jul
2 668.28 ( 25 Jul )
month end 28 Jun
2 645.27
Jun 2024
Coronation Inflation Plus Portfolio Price at 25 Jul 358.00
current price 25 Jul
358.00 ( 25 Jul )
month end 28 Jun
Jun 2024
Foord Balanced Fund (Class B3) Price at 26 Jul 7 748.63
current price 26 Jul
7 748.63
month end 28 Jun
7 667.34
Jun 2024
Foord Conservative Fund (Class B3) Price at 26 Jul 1 607.13
current price 26 Jul
1 607.13
month end 28 Jun
1 589.40
Jun 2024
M&G Balanced Fund (Pension) Price at 25 Jul 17 413.09
current price 25 Jul
17 413.09 ( 25 Jul )
month end 28 Jun
17 083.65
Jun 2024
Nedgroup Investments Core Accelerated Fund (Class B2) Price at 26 Jul 1 522.23
current price 26 Jul
1 522.23
month end 28 Jun
1 504.66
Jun 2024
Nedgroup Investments Core Diversified Fund (Class B2) Price at 26 Jul 2 768.43
current price 26 Jul
2 768.43
month end 28 Jun
2 773.23
Jun 2024
Nedgroup Investments Core Guarded Fund (Class B2) Price at 26 Jul 1 841.56
current price 26 Jul
1 841.56
month end 28 Jun
1 838.80
Jun 2024
Ninety One Opportunity Fund (Class E) Price at 26 Jul 1 649.62
current price 26 Jul
1 649.62
month end 28 Jun
1 649.42
Jun 2024
Other local unit trusts
27four Investment Managers
Lindsell Train
Camissa Asset Management
Catalyst Fund Managers
Coronation Fund Managers
Fairtree Asset Management
Foord Asset Management
M&G Investment Managers
Mazi Asset Management
Nedgroup Investments
Ninety One Fund Managers
Old Mutual Unit Trust Managers
Perpetua Investment Managers
PSG Asset Management
Rezco Collective Investments
Satrix Managers
Sesfikile Capital
Other offshore unit trusts***
Artisan Partners Limited Partnership
Baillie Gifford Overseas Limited
Catalyst Global Fund Managers
Coronation Global Fund Managers
Dodge and Cox
Fidelity Investment Management
Foord Global Asset Management
Fundsmith LLP
BlackRock Investment Management
Jupiter Merian Global Investors
Lindsell Train Ltd
M&G Investment Managers
Nedgroup Global Investments
Ninety One Global Fund Managers
Sands Capital Management LLC
Sarasin Fund Management
Satrix Global
Schroder Investment Management

1 Prices are calculated on a net asset value basis. The single price (NAV) per unit reflects the total assets of a portfolio less permissible deductions divided by the number of units in issue. Permissible deductions may include management fees, brokerage, Securities Transfer Tax (STT), auditor’s fees, bank charges and trustee fees.

2 The 'factsheets' contain all the information and disclosures as required by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) to be included in minimum disclosure documents and general investor reports. They set out the characteristics and objectives of each unit trust to help you understand the nature and risks of the unit trusts so that you can make informed investment decisions. You should ensure that the unit trusts you select are appropriate for your needs and objectives. Please click here for important information for investors.

* The term ‘unit trusts’ is used to refer to all similar offshore pooled investments, including those that may be structured differently, such as ‘mutual funds’. Please click here for the Schedules of similarities and differences between South African regulations and the regulations governing the foreign unit trusts which Allan Gray represents in South Africa.

** When you invest in tax-free products, according to legislation, you are limited to investments that charge fixed fees. The selection of unit trusts available for the Allan Gray tax-free account is listed here.

*** The term ‘unit trusts’ is used to refer to all similar offshore pooled investments, including those that may be structured differently, such as ‘mutual funds’.

Historic prices
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