Invest in foreign currency offshore unit trusts from different investment managers
The Allan Gray Offshore Investment Platform provides access to a select range of foreign currency unit trusts (or funds), including those from our offshore investment partners, Orbis and Allan Gray Australia. It also offers funds from other investment managers if you wish to include manager diversification as part of your investment strategy.
Your investment will be denominated in the currencies of your selected funds, but you can choose a single reporting currency for your statements and other communications. Your investment performance will be determined by the performance of the underlying offshore assets. You will need to use your own offshore allowance to invest. Allan Gray can help you convert your rands to foreign currency if you choose this route.
Benefits of investing via the Allan Gray Offshore Investment Platform

You can choose the unit trusts that best suit your needs, add to your investment when you want to and access your money at any time – although we encourage a long-term approach.

As with your local investments, you can interact with our Client Service Centre and you can view and transact on your offshore investments through Allan Gray Online.

We can assist you with the administrative requirements involved in taking your money offshore.
Choose a fund that suits your needs
We offer a select range of funds, suitable for different needs.