Protect yourself from phishing attempts

Phishing – or the fraudulent distribution of emails from what appears to be a reputable source – is on the rise. Always check that the emails you receive are sent from a trustworthy source. To protect your personal information, never click on any links in an email until you have done this.

There is currently a phishing email being circulated that appears to be sent from ‘Allan Gray Communications’ but it is not from This phishing email was sent by a fraudulent third party with no links to Allan Gray, to an undisclosed random mailing list which included both clients and non-clients. An example of the phishing email is provided below. 

How can you recognise a suspicious email?

These are some of the red flags to look out for: 

  • Incorrect spelling of the ‘From’ email address
  • Not addressing the client by name
  • Incorrect contact details (verify contact details on the company’s website)
  • Creating a sense of necessity or urgency for the recipients to click on a link provided in the email

Keeping client data safe

At Allan Gray, we remain committed to ensuring our client information is secure. To protect clients’ personal and investment information, we have stringent security technology and processes in place, which we update regularly.

Find more information

For more information on phishing and fraud, please refer to our online security page.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Client Service Centre on 0860 000 654 or email

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