The Allan Gray Group Retirement Annuity

The Allan Gray Group Retirement Annuity system is an efficient retirement savings solution for you and your employees.

Individual unit trust-based retirement annuities are managed on a group basis, with minimal administration requirements for you, while your employees get all the benefits of having their own retirement annuity, including tax advantages, control of their investment choicesflexibility and portability.

Simplified administration
Simplified administration

We take care of all the fund administration and provide a convenient online system for you to manage your employees’ contributions. You also get access to a direct point of contact to assist you.

You get value for money
Value for money

When you invest in Allan Gray unit trusts we only charge fees within our unit trusts, which are already deducted from the return your employees see. There are no fees for using our group retirement annuity system.

Employee engagment
Employee engagement

We communicate directly with all employees, including sending them their investment statements. They can also access their statements, reports and articles of interest online at any time. We provide training and investor education on request.

Need to know more? See the frequently asked questions about our Group Retirement Annuity.

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Need to know more about the two-pot retirement system?

Learn more

Please contact our Group Savings Operations Team to assist you with the next steps of how to set up the Group Retirement Annuity System.

Tel: 0860 000 870
Fax: 0860 000 655 / +27 (0)21 415 2492

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